урок 2: Евангелие от Матфея
раздел 2: структура и содержание

ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: Этот раздел длиннее обычного.  Поэтому эту часть видео лучше разделить на 2 части, чтобы у вас было время делать заметки.  Не старайтесь заучить все ссылки и детали каждого раздела этого Евангелия.  Но будьте готовы ответить на следующие Обзорные вопросы. .


II. Структура и содержание

A. Введение: Царь-Мессия

B. Евангелие Царствия

C. Расширение пределов Царства Божьего

D. Знамения и притчи

E. Вера и величие

F. Противление в настоящем и победа в будущем

G. Заключение: Вершина служения Иисуса


1. According to the lesson, how do most scholars divide the Gospel of Matthew into sections? What is their guideline?

2. Name the five main sections of Matthew, as given in the lesson.

3. Besides the five major sections of the gospel, what does Matthew include?

4. According to the lesson, what is the purpose of Matthew's genealogy of Jesus?

5. How does the lesson answer those who think that the genealogy of Jesus does not prove anything about Jesus' legal claims, since He was not really born of a human father?

6. The five main divisions of the Gospel of Matthew each include two parts. What are these two parts?

7. How does the lesson explain the meaning of Matthew 4:17, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near"?

8. As the kingdom of heaven began to spread because of Jesus' miracles, how did most people react?

9. What was the theme of most of Jesus' parables?

10. What was the only case in the Gospel of Matthew where someone firmly believed in Jesus?

11. What is the main point of Jesus' Olivet Discourse about the second coming?


1. Why is the theme of the kingdom of heaven important to you? How does this help you focus on the bigger picture and avoid an overly individualistic view of salvation?

2. Why do you think so much of the Gospel of Matthew seems to be about conflict with Jesus, suffering, and rejection?

3. How does the teaching of the lesson about the purpose of the Olivet Discourse change your thinking about the Bible's teaching regarding the Second Coming?
Last modified: Monday, 2 April 2018, 5:34 PM